About the Artist
Margaret Godfrey is a conceptual artist. Each painting has a story/event/idea behind it. Often one painting leads to a second, then a third and soon an entire series connects back to that first piece.
She frequently does research on topics while painting to insure authenticity. Her paintings have an abundance of symbols, which help tell the underlying story of a series.
Patterns and decorative designs flow through her body of work, connecting underlying messages.
Since her home burned down in the Holiday Farm Fire (September 2020) reflection of that loss is now incorporated in much of her recent work.
Her pictures contain both representational and abstract styles. She is known as a pattern painter using watercolor, acrylic, ink, and collage in her creative works on paper.
Living in the beautiful McKenzie Valley in Oregon and traveling throughout the U.S and abroad, Margaret finds an abundance of inspiration for creating art. She shares her enthusiasm for art through teaching workshops and active membership in art associations.
Margaret is an award-winning member of the Watercolor Society of Oregon, the Western Federation of Watercolor Societies, the Northwest Watercolor Society, Hawaii Watercolor Society, and others. Her works have been in juried shows around the United States. Her paintings hang in private and public collections in the U.S., Honduras, Canada and Japan.

” …geometry, pattern, explosive color, and playfulness remind me that life is about discovery””
” …Her work seems always to be from her heart… It just flows.””